
Home » Planning
Reference Application Date Proposal Status
16/00278/FUL 5th February 2016 Erection of single storey kitchen extension with mono pitched roof to rear Granted
73 St Michaels Street Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00611/HHE 5th February 2016 Erection of a single storey rear conservatory to semi detached dwelling,... Conditional Extension GPD
4 Woodcote Way Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00331/FUL 5th February 2016 Erection of single storey front extension; removal of roof to add a first floor... Granted
101A Underdale Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00470/FUL 4th February 2016 Erection of single storey extension to side and rear following removal of... Granted
49 Meole Crescent Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00380/ADV 3rd February 2016 Erect and display one non-illuminated fascia sign Granted
92 Frankwell Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00379/LBC 3rd February 2016 Works to Listed Building to facilitate the installation of one non-illuminated... Granted
92 Frankwell Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00431/FUL 3rd February 2016 Division of single shop to shop and dog grooming business Granted
116-117 Longden Coleham Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00501/TPO 2nd February 2016 Light pruning to Lawson Cyrpress, Horse Chestnut and Ash protected by The... Granted
Freshfields Kingsland Bridge Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00391/FUL 2nd February 2016 Erection of one block of 14 industrial/commercial units (B1, B2, B8 and D2 use... Awaiting decision
Land North Of Harlescott Lane Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00422/TCA 2nd February 2016 Crown lift 1no Oak Tree within Shrewsbury Conservation Area No Objection
Freshfields Kingsland Bridge Shrewsbury Shropshire



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