
Home » Planning
Reference Application Date Proposal Status
16/00575/FUL 11th February 2016 Installation of flue for burner and a gas cage Granted
Guildhall Frankwell Quay Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00538/ADV 11th February 2016 Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to... Granted
Guildhall Frankwell Quay Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00541/FUL 11th February 2016 Erection of rear single storey extension: re-roof existing outhouse. Granted
37 Wenlock Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00623/DIS 11th February 2016 Discharge of Conditions 3 (Materials), 4 (Decorative Finishes), 5 (Joinery) and... Granted
163 Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00457/REM 10th February 2016 Approval of Reserved Matters (access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale... Granted
Proposed Residential Development Land West Of Alberbury Drive Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00595/TCA 10th February 2016 To fell 1 no. Walnut, 1 no. Sycamore and 1 no. Prunus and reduce lateral... No Objection
Shrewsbury High School Prep Department Old Roman Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00599/DIS 10th February 2016 Discharge of condition 3 (Archaeology) attached to planning permission 15/03737... Granted
11 And 12 Belmont And Shrewsbury Cathedral Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00578/FUL 10th February 2016 Replacement sliding sash windows to main front bay, single window to the side... Granted
22 Alfred Street Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00603/DIS 10th February 2016 Discharge of Conditions 4 (Drainage), 5 (Archaeological Watching Brief) and 6 (... Granted
Proposed Residential Development Land North Of Nobold Lane Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00178/DIS 10th February 2016 Discharge of Conditions 1 (Full with No Reserved Matters), 2 (Development in... Granted
3 Butler Road Shrewsbury Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

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