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24th May 2024

The IRP report published in December 2023 highlighted the need for a public information campaign and appropriate signage to be in place to ensure that people know where to go when the HTP is implemented.


The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust has received confirmation from NHS England that it supports the recommendation of the IRP and that the name of the 24/7 enhanced urgent care service to be provided at PRH will be an Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC).


The HTP Full Business Case is at the final stage of the national approval process. Under these plans, approximately two-thirds of patients who currently attend the Emergency Department at PRH fall into this category and will continue to access the care they need at the UTC at PRH.


Most people who currently attend the Trust’s Emergency Departments at PRH, and Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, need urgent care for non-life-or-limb-threatening conditions and do not need comprehensive emergency care with the backup of specialist teams or hospital admission.


The Trust is committed to continuing to engage with and work closely with its communities, patients and colleagues as it works towards improving care and a more positive experience for everyone.


As the plans progress, and subject to final approval, this activity will increase and the Trust will inform communities on the services available at both hospitals, so that people know where to go to receive the right care at the right time and in the right place.

24th May 2024

The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) today shared a proposed construction management plan for the new hospital building at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) as part of the Hospitals Transformation Programme (HTP).  


The plan sets out proposals to manage traffic and public access on the site during the construction of the new building, which is subject to national approval of the Trust’s Full Business Case (FBC).


It has been developed with HTP contractors, Integrated Health Projects (IHP) and aims to minimise the impact on patients, staff, and visitors at the RSH during the main construction works, which is expected to take a number of years.


Some of the key proposals in the plan are as follows:


  • The helipad will move temporarily to the Boiler House recreation ground (off Somerby Drive) during the construction of the main build.
  • The introduction of a one-way system after the Ward Block to the junction of Mytton Oak Road and Evolution Road.
  • For the duration of the build our current Outpatient entrance will be closed, and an alternative entrance will be provided.


Currently, the main road onto the site is being widened and realigned to maintain two-way access for ambulances to the Emergency Department and a separate road for construction traffic within the construction site. These works are necessary to allow for construction traffic to enter, drop off materials, and exit the site safely and with as little disruption as possible to other hospital traffic. This means there will be some disruption to this area until the work is complete.


The HTP plans will mean the population of Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin and mid Wales will benefit from high quality, sustainable care, and fewer delays for treatment for everyone, at two thriving hospital sites.


Enabling works were approved nationally last year, and, following the formal approval of the Outline Business Case (OBC), the Trust has been developing the Full Business Case (FBC), which is the final stage in the national approval process. Subject to this, IHP is expected to begin the main build at RSH in the summer.


Additional signage and wayfinding will be available to help patients and visitors navigate their way around the site. Patients and visitors should continue to check the Trust’s website for the most up-to-date information on accessing the hospital and parking arrangements.


Further details of the proposed changes, including a site map, can be found online and are on display in both hospitals.


Other works are underway at the RSH site to improve care for all our communities, which are aligned with HTP and separately funded. These include a unit to house a new gamma camera, plans for a modular ward extension, and a bunker to house a state-of-the-art LINAC medical linear accelerator.


The Trust is holding an open day on Tuesday 4 June, 4-6pm at Shropshire Education and Conference Centre, to present these proposed changes to patients, visitors, and local residents.

24th May 2024

We offer a range of counselling for the whole family and early intervention of mental health counselling.

We pride ourselves on having no waiting lists, so an appointment can easily be arranged by telephoning 01743 240546. We are currently offering appointments within 7-14 days of receiving a call.


More information can be found on our website: Or tell your community to pick up the phone and chat with someone from our team.

21st May 2024



The King’s Award for Voluntary Service – Shropshire Briefing Workshops 2024


This award celebrates the outstanding work of volunteer groups across the UK.  Groups do not have to be a registered charity and any volunteer-led organisation with three or more volunteers can be nominated. 


The Lord-Lieutenant has been delighted to see so many voluntary groups in the county being awarded the highly prestigious King’s Award for Voluntary Service.  The award is the equivalent of an MBE and the highest award given to local voluntary groups in the UK, giving Royal recognition to the work done by volunteers.  It not only helps raise the profile of the winning groups and acknowledges their work, but also helps them achieve funding, and she would like to support even more organisations across Shropshire win this award.


The Shropshire Lieutenancy will be holding 3 briefing sessions which will explain the award and the nomination process:


Tuesday 11 June 2024 – 2.30 – 3.30 pm

The Town Hall, 28-32 High Street, Wem SY4 5DG


Monday 17 June 2024 – 11am – 12.00 pm

The Council Chamber, Telford & Wrekin Council, Southwater One, Southwater Way, Telford TF3 4JG


Tuesday 25 June 2024 – 7 – 8pm by zoom


We recommend attendance in person at one of the workshops in Wem or Telford as this gives the opportunity for members of the Shropshire KAVS panel to look in more detail at the individual group’s eligibility.  We have also added an evening zoom session.


For further information and/or to book a place please email Shelley Davies – [email protected].


Information can also be found on the KAVS website:


26th April 2024

Shropshire Local Plan Examination: Further Consultation Focusing on Additional Material Prepared in Response to the Planning Inspectors Interim Findings

On the 3rd September 2021, the draft Shropshire Local Plan was submitted for examination. Stage 1 Hearings were held in July 2022 and January 2023.

Subsequently, on 15th February 2023, the examining Inspectors issued their Interim Findings (reference number ID28) and supplemented this with further correspondence related to their Interim Findings on the 4th October 2023 (reference number ID36) and 16th January 2024 (reference number ID37).

In responding to the Interim Findings and subsequent correspondence, the Council has prepared additional documentation relating to a range of issues.

To inform the ongoing examination, the examining Inspectors have requested that Shropshire Council undertake a public consultation on the following documents:

a.  GC25: The newly proposed draft policy on Housing Provision for Older People and those with Disabilities and Special Needs and its explanation.

b.  Updated Additional Sustainability Appraisal of the Draft Shropshire Local Plan Report.

c.  Updated Housing and Employment Topic Paper.

d.  Updated Green Belt Topic Paper.

Shropshire Council is therefore undertaking a public consultation focused on these four documents.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek views from all parties on these four documents. It is important to note this consultation is not inviting comments on other aspects of the draft Shropshire Local Plan.

This consultation will run from 25th April 2024 until 11th June 2024. Any response must be submitted and received by Shropshire Council by 5pm on Tuesday 11th June 2024.

The four documents subject to consultation, and further information on this consultation is available via Shropshire Council’s ‘Get Involved’ webpage at:

You can also look at other documents relevant to the Local Plan on the Examination Library webpages via:

When responding to this consultation please clearly identify:

•      Your name and contact details.

•      Which of the four documents your comments address.

•      The relevant paragraph(s) of each document you address.

•      Whether you consider there are issues of soundness or legal compliance.

•      Your comments.

•      Whether you consider it necessary to attend a hearing session(s) to discuss your comments.

The Council has prepared a two-part Consultation Response Form and Supporting Guidance to assist those responding to the consultation. These documents are available on the Council’s ‘Get Involved’ webpage via the link provided above.

Responses can be submitted to Shropshire Council by emailing: [email protected]

If submitting your own response, please enter your last name in the subject field of the email. If submitting a response on behalf of a client, please enter their last name in the subject field of the email.

The Council’s preference is for responses to be emailed. However, comments can also be submitted by post to: Planning Policy, Shropshire Council, PO BOX 4826, Shrewsbury, SY1 9LJ.

Following the conclusion of this consultation, responses received will be published on the Council’s website and shared with the examining Inspectors. Shropshire Council will give due consideration to the responses received.

Further information on this consultation is provided within the attached Consultation Notification.

The Council anticipates that further information on the Stage 2 Hearings will be made available on the Council website in due course following the completion of this consultation.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.