
Home » Planning
Reference Application Date Proposal Status
15/04898/FUL 13th November 2015 Erection of two storey side extension replacing existing garage together with... Granted
77 Meole Crescent Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04913/TPO 13th November 2015 Prune branches of 1 no. Copper Beech tree by 1m to reshape protected by The... Granted
15 Sunfield Park Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04479/COU 13th November 2015 Change of use from residential to a mixed use of retail (A1) and light... Granted
92 Frankwell Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04901/LBC 13th November 2015 Works to a Grade II Listed Building including shop fit out with proposed... Granted
76 Mardol Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04936/LBC 12th November 2015 Erection of single storey extension affecting a Grade II listed building. Granted
41 Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04979/DIS 12th November 2015 Discharge of condition 7 to revise the design of the sliding entrance gate (... Granted
9 Swan Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04978/DIS 12th November 2015 Discharge of condition 3 and 4 (Plinth details and railings) to include the... Granted
9 Swan Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04870/FUL 12th November 2015 Erection of single storey extension Granted
41 Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04797/LBC 12th November 2015 Replacement of 6No internal doors affecting a Grade II Listed Building Granted
27 St Johns Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/04708/FUL 12th November 2015 Installation of acoustic lobby to rear entrance Granted
The Coracle Inn Sundorne Road Shrewsbury Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

Planning applications within the Parish borders and to be dealt with by the Council are located on the left of this page.