
Home » Planning
Reference Application Date Proposal Status
15/05413/LBC 6th January 2016 Replacement of ground floor timber window and repair of first floor timber... Granted
The Hole In The Wall 1 Shoplatch Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/05530/FUL 5th January 2016 Erection of 1No dwelling with integral garage Awaiting decision
Proposed Dwelling At Former Shelton Hospital Welshpool Road Bicton Heath Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00024/FUL 5th January 2016 Application under Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the... Awaiting decision
6 Whiston Close Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/00011/LBC 5th January 2016 Works to facilitate the fixing of window boxes to Princess Street frontage (1st... Granted
Apartmens 2 3 & 5 26 - 27 Princess Street Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/05409/FUL 5th January 2016 Installation of window to cellar in front elevation below ground level as a... Granted
Crescent Cottage Coton Crescent Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/05384/REM 4th January 2016 Approval of reserved matters (access, appearance, layout and scale) pursuant to... Granted
16/00008/TCA 4th January 2016 Reduce overhanging branches by approx. 1m of 1no. Pine tree within Shrewsbury... No Objection
Christian Science Society 6A Greyfriars Bridge Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/05611/MAW 4th January 2016 Installation of small scale anaerobic digester (AD) and associated... Awaiting decision
15/05610/TCA 4th January 2016 Fell 1no. dead Hawthorn, stem 1no. Ash, remove 1 no. Sycamore, remove failed... No Objection
Land South Of 27 Roman Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
15/05633/DIS 31st December 2015 Discharge of Conditions 3 (Details of External Materials) and 4 (Surface Water... Granted
11 North Hermitage Shrewsbury Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

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