
Home » Planning
Reference Application Date Proposal Status
16/03298/DIS 11th July 2016 Discharge of condition 4 (Joinery Details) attached to planning permission 16/... Granted
4 London Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/02848/FUL 8th July 2016 Erection of 1.5m to 1.8m high brick wall (amended description) Granted
Chestnut House 33B Kennedy Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/03045/DIS 7th July 2016 Discharge of Conditions 3 (Historic Buildings Record), 4 (Basement Schedule of... Granted
1 Swan Hill Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/02786/FUL 7th July 2016 Erection of a double garage, formation of turning area and new vehicular and... Granted
50 Roman Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/03044/DIS 6th July 2016 Discharge of Conditions 3 (Highways) and 4 (Tree Protection) on Planning... Granted
Development Land To The East Of Bromfield Drive Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/03005/TCA 5th July 2016 To fell 4 No. Leylandii, crown reduce 1 No. Goat Willow by approximately 6ft... No Objection
9 Woodlands Park Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/03008/DEM 5th July 2016 Application for relevant demolition of garage/car port and removal of asbestos... Unknown
4 Severn Bank Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/02836/FUL 5th July 2016 Change of use from an industrial unit to a fitness club/gymnasium D2 Leisure Granted
Unit F7 Greenwood Court Industrial Estate Cartmel Drive Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/03108/TEL 5th July 2016 Proposed telecommunications installation and associated works Withdrawn
Proposed Telecommunications Installation Howard Street Shrewsbury Shropshire
16/02985/TCA 5th July 2016 To crown thin by 15-20% and reduce side branches by 15-20% within Shrewsbury... No Objection
45 Abbey Wharf Mill Road Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

Planning applications within the Parish borders and to be dealt with by the Council are located on the left of this page.