
Home » Planning
Reference Application Date Proposal Status
17/00821/REM 27th February 2017 Approval of reserved matters (siting, design, appearance, landscaping) pursuant... Awaiting decision
Shrewsbury College Of Arts And Technology Radbrook Centre Radbrook Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00912/FUL 27th February 2017 Erection of two storey side/rear elevation following some demolition Granted
14 Elmfield Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00898/FUL 27th February 2017 Change of Use of first floor (A1 Use) to 2 self-contained flats (C3 Use) with... Granted
9 Roushill Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00880/FUL 24th February 2017 Erection of single story rear extension following removal of existing rear wc Granted
21 Brougham Square Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00882/TPO 24th February 2017 Works to 2No Beech Trees protected by Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council (... Granted
The Rear Boundary Between Calcot House 112A London Road And 139 Wenlock Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00773/FUL 24th February 2017 Change of use from B1 (offices) to D1 (Non-residential Institutions) Granted
Guildhall Frankwell Quay Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00854/ADV 23rd February 2017 The installation of four lights over fascia board sign, one non illuminated... Granted
9 Roushill Bank Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00974/DIS 23rd February 2017 Discharge of condition 3 (Materials) attached to planning permission 16/05070/... Granted
3 Eastwood Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00752/FUL 23rd February 2017 Erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing garage Granted
4 Ebnal Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/00971/HHE 23rd February 2017 Erection of a single storey rear extension to detached dwelling, dimensions 6.... Approved Extension GPD
7 Partridge Close Shrewsbury Shropshire



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