
Home » Planning
Reference Application Date Proposal Status
17/02029/AMP 2nd May 2017 Non Material Amendment application (replacement windows winthin drive-thru... Granted
McDonalds Restaurants Battlefield Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/02091/AMP 2nd May 2017 Non Material Amendment to previously approved planning permission 16/05070/FUL... Granted
3 Eastwood Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01983/FUL 28th April 2017 Erection of two-storey extension to side with single storey extension part at... Awaiting decision
1 Kenwood Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01980/ADV 28th April 2017 Erect and display replacement signage of 3 no. fascia signs and 15no. other... Awaiting decision
W M Morrison Supermarkets Plc Whitchurch Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01957/FUL 28th April 2017 Erection of single storey rear extension and first floor side extension above... Awaiting decision
41 South Hermitage Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01991/TPO 28th April 2017 Works to trees including reduce end weight of heavy limbs by up to 2m of 1No... Awaiting decision
31 St James Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01839/FUL 27th April 2017 Change of use from A1 to A1 and A3 Awaiting decision
7 Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01974/TPO 27th April 2017 To crown reduce by 25% one Oak tree in conjunction with reducing lateral growth... Awaiting decision
67 Washford Road Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01815/FUL 27th April 2017 Erection of two storey and single storey side extensions Awaiting decision
13 Highfields Shrewsbury Shropshire
17/01889/DIS 27th April 2017 Discharge of Conditions 4 (Materials), 5 (Landscaping), 6 (Engineering Details... Awaiting decision
Oak Cottage Hanwood Road Shrewsbury Shropshire



All planning applications can be viewed online on the Shropshire Council Planning Website. Open the site and type in the application number and you can view the application and proposed plans.

Planning applications within the Parish borders and to be dealt with by the Council are located on the left of this page.