Discharge of Conditions 7 (Drainage), 8 (Acoustic Mitigation Report), 12 (Construction Method Statement), 14 (Landscaping), 19 (Contamination and Ground Gases) and 19A (Contamination and Ground Gases: Site Investigation) on Planning Permission 14/04428/OUT for the outline application for residential development of up to 550 units, up to 23ha (gross) of commercial development including B1, B2 and B8 uses, a hotel (C1 use), a care home of up to 70 beds (C2 use) and supporting local centre and community uses (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1, D2), estate roads and associated highways works, associated infrastructure, associated earthworks, and landscape works including informal open space and children's play space
Miller Homes (Midlands) Ltd