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11th March 2025

Residents urged to consider Making a Difference!

Shropshire residents are being encouraged to consider making a difference and stand to become a parish councillor in their local community as nominations open for this year’s parish elections on 1st May.

Councillor Ray Wickson (Chairman of the Shropshire Association of Local Councils said today:

“Are you passionate about your local community? Do you want to contribute to its future, help shape decisions, and make a positive impact? Becoming a parish councillor is your chance to make a difference in your village or town.”

He added:

“On May 1st Shropshire votes to elect its parish and town councils for the next four years. There is a parish or town council in every community across Shropshire. Our Councils are at the heart of your local community and despite the challenging times, do some great work.”

“Parish councils are the first tier of local government here in Shropshire and provide an important voice for communities. As a parish councillor, you’ll have the opportunity to represent the needs and aspirations of residents, tackle local issues, and work on projects that truly make a difference. From improving community facilities to addressing environmental concerns, councillors are at the forefront of making their communities better places to live, work, and visit.”

Councillor Wickson said:

“Together, let’s build a stronger, more vibrant community. Take the first step today and become a parish councillor—because your voice matters, go on make a difference in your local community!”

What Do Parish Councillors Do?

· Represent residents’ views and make decisions on their behalf.

· Influence changes and developments in the local area.

· Support initiatives that enhance the well-being of the community.

· Manage budgets for local services and projects.

· Collaborate with local organisations, councils, and groups to address issues.

Who Can Become a Parish Councillor?

You don’t need special qualifications—just a genuine passion for your community and a willingness to learn. Parish councils’ welcome people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. If you care about your community and want to make a difference, you have what it takes to be a councillor.

Why Should You Consider It?

Being a parish councillor is an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will you gain valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving, but you’ll also leave a lasting legacy in your community. It’s your chance to bring your ideas to life, address pressing local concerns, and work collaboratively with others who share your vision.

How to Get Involved

Nominations for the Shropshire parish council elections are now open. If you’re interested in standing as a candidate or learning more about the role, contact your local parish or town council, visit the Shropshire Association of Local Council’s website or Shropshire Council’s website Local Elections 2025

For further comment or information, please contact Councillor Ray Wickson on 07701312547.

Some 1400 seats are available across the Shropshire Council area of the county (parish elections in Telford & Wrekin are scheduled for May 2027)

SALC is a membership organisation representing and supporting the parish and town councils across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.


The Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY2 6ND Tel: 01743 252744 e-mail: [email protected] Website:[email protected]

18th December 2024




17th December 2024

Pontesbury Potter – Severn Hospice

22 March 2025

7.45am to 4.30pm

Have some muddy good fun and take part in the Severn Hospice Pontesbury Potter, a 13-mile sponsored trek, and raise fund for Severn Hospice care.

We call it potter but it’s no walk in the park. With rugged terrain, slippery slopes, high hilltops – and let’s not forget the potential for winter mud – it's an adventure! We even keep the exact route secret until the big day.

Sign-up or find out more at severnhospice.org.uk/events or call 01952 221 351. Registration £25 per adult, £15 per child (12-16yrs).

12th December 2024

Help shape Shropshire Council’s budget proposals Councils all over the country are facing financial pressure, and the council wants to hear from you as it plans its budget for 2025/26. Let Shropshire Council know what you think of a range of proposals, including changes to the park and ride bus service in Shrewsbury. Have your say in the budget survey www.shropshire.gov.uk/budget25 In Shropshire, nearly 80% of the council’s budget is spent on social care for adults and children, supporting some of the most vulnerable people in the county.

As the need and cost for essential services has increased, the council must make savings that help it prioritise services for the people who need them most. Have your say on budget proposals for 2025/26 www.shropshire.gov.uk/budget25 As part of its 2025/26 budget consultation, Shropshire Council wants to hear your thoughts on streetlights. The council could change some or all of the bulbs to energy-savings LEDs and it could reduce the length of time it keeps lights on for. Take part in the budget survey to tell the council your thoughts about streetlights and a range of other savings ideas www.shropshire.gov.uk/budget25.

Shropshire Council wants to hear your thoughts on waste collections and other proposals, as it plans its budget for 2025/26. Just like councils all over the country, Shropshire needs to make savings to keep up with demand for social care. Have your say on proposals for changing bin collections in Shropshire, along with other savings ideas www.shropshire.gov.uk/budget25

Shropshire Council is facing a challenging budget position, like lots of other councils, and needs to make changes to some of its services. Have your say on its savings proposals for 2025/26, including a change to the opening hours of Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery and Shrewsbury Castle www.shropshire.gov.uk/budget25

26th November 2024

A reminder from Chirbury with Brompton Parish Council


The public highway consists of any verge, pavement, road, bridleway or public footpath whether or not maintained at public expense and over which the public has a right of way. One of the areas of concern is the pavement between Brockton and Worthen.
Where an overhanging hedge interferes with safe use of a public highway, it is the owner's responsibility to cut it back.

Under the Highways Act, roadside hedges are the responsibility of the landowner who has to:
• prevent the hedge from overhanging the highway
• prevent hedges from obscuring street lights and road signs
• clear the road of debris after hedges have been cut
• meet the obligations of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 ensuring that nesting birds, bats and dormice are protected.

It is recommend trimming hedges in January and February to ensure that nuts and berries are available for birds and other wildlife. Trimming should not take place during the main bird breeding season of March to July unless it is unavoidable for the safe use of a public highway.


All the current local news from within the parish is located on the left.