Chirbury with Brompton Parish Council is working alongside the We Don’t Buy Crime team and West Mercia Police to protect your home from burglary and has purchased SmartWater kits for every household in the parish.
Priest Weston Village Hall have kindly allowed us to attend their Craft Fair on the 20th November from 10 am until 12 noon. Members of the We Don’t Buy Crime Team and the Parish Council will be able to register and give you your unique SmartWater Kit. We look forward to seeing you.
If your items which have been marked with SmartWater were stolen, the police could trace them back to you. By SmartWater protecting your items you deter burglary.
The We Don’t Buy Crime team work vigorously to encourage all organisations who buy items off the public; retailers, scrap metal merchants, auction houses, antique and jewellery dealers to check for SmartWater therefore sabotaging the re-sale avenue of stolen goods. We have over 200 businesses that are actively doing this.
SmartWater is made up of 85% Water, 10% polymers plus a unique mix of rare earth metal traces which make every bottle unique. SmartWater is invisible in daylight but fluoresces under UV light and cannot be removed once fully adhered to its surface.